RIKEN has various programs that are designed to nurture the capabilities of young researchers.
The two programs for students are the Junior Research Associate (JRA) program and the International Program Associate (IPA). There is also a Special Postdoctoral Researchers (SPDR) Program for young researchers.
This program provides part-time positions at RIKEN for those enrolled in Japanese university PhD programs to conduct research under the instruction of RIKEN scientists as Junior Research Associates (JRAs).
This program provides an opportunity for International Program Associates (IPAs) to conduct research at RIKEN under the supervision of RIKEN scientists as part of their work toward obtaining a PhD. IPAs are non-Japanese doctoral candidates, attending a Japanese or overseas graduate school participating in RIKEN’s joint graduate program, and RIKEN provides them with a daily living allowance and may cover their housing costs for up to a maximum of three years while they are at RIKEN.
This program provides a venue for creative researchers that received their PhD within the past five years to pursue independent research for a period of three years. RIKEN provides a vibrant research environment for young researchers of different nationalities that wish to actively pursue their research in the global arena.