RIKEN AICS will exhibit at SC16 which will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah in US. SC16 Official Website.
Please stop by RIKEN AICS's booth(#2345) during November 14-17th to look at K computer's usage situation, recent research highlights and an introduction to FLAGSHIP 2020 Project, the development of the Post K computer. Please find more information below about Gordon Bell and Best Paper award presentation, BOF, posters, and invited talk.
Dr. Masaki Satoh (the University of Tokyo) will be an invited speaker who developed the Non-Hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) with Dr. Hirofumi Tomita and leads projects with NICAM using Japan’s K computer.
If you are interested in our new international internship program for FY2017, please drop by our booth or join Student Job Fair.
[News] 2016.11.18
Best Paper Award! for Mohamed Wahib Attia (HPC Programming Framework Research Team, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
[News] 2016.11.18
Best Poster Award! for Kohei Fujita (Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
HPCG - 1st place!! - as a well-balanced architecture with a good floating point rate and a good memory transfer rate allows high performance for a wide range of scientific applications. Detail
[News] 2016.11.16
Graph 500 - 1st place again! 4 consecutive times.
[News] 2016.11.16
HPC Challenge Class 1 - 1st place
[News] 2016.11.15
Best Poster Award Nominee
Kohei Fujita (Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
[News] 2016.11
Gordon Bell Award Finalist, and Best Paper Award Nominee
GBA Finalist: Takayuki Muranushi (Co-Design Team, Flagship 2020 Project, RIKEN AICS)
Best Paper Award!!: Mohamed Wahib Attia (HPC Programming Framework Research Team, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
There will be no short lectures at the booth
November 13, Sunday | ||
9:00AM – 5:30PM (ROOM: Location: 155-A) |
Masamichi Takagi (System Software Development Team, Flagship 2020 Project, RIKEN AICS)
Workshop: ExaMPI16 |
9:00AM – 5:30PM (ROOM: Location: 155-C) |
Fumiyoshi Shoji (Division Director, Operations and Computer Technologies Division, RIKEN AICS) Workshop: Seventh Annual Workshop for the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (EE HPC WG) |
9:00AM – 5:30PM (ROOM: Location: 251-D) |
Junichiro Makino (Sub Project leader, Flagship 2020 Project, RIKEN AICS) Workshop: IA^3 2016 - 6th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms Paper: Implementation and evaluation of data-compression algorithms for irregular-grid iterative methods on the PEZY-SC processor |
Novermber 14, Monday | ||
2:00PM – 5:40PM (ROOM: Location: 251-C) |
Kohei Fujita (Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
Workshop WACCPD 2016 - Third Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives: [WACCPD 2016 Best Paper]Acceleration of Element-by-Element Kernel in Unstructured Implicit Low-order Finite-element Earthquake Simulation using OpenACC on Pascal GPUs |
November 15, Tuesday | ||
5:15PM – 7:00PM (ROOM: Lower Lobby Concourse, Exhibit Hall E - Booth 104) |
Masaki Terai(Software Development Team, Operations and Computer Technologies Division, RIKEN AICS) Poster Session: 40. STView: An Eclipse Plug-in Tool for Visualizing Program Structures in Fortran Source Codes |
5:15PM – 7:00PM (ROOM: Lower Lobby Concourse, Exhibit Hall E - Booth 104) |
Naoya Maruyama(HPC Programming Framework Research Team, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
Poster Session: 73. Tapas: An Implicitly Parallel Programming Framework For Hierarchical N-Body Algorithms |
5:15PM – 7:00PM (ROOM: Lower Lobby Concourse, Exhibit Hall E - Booth 104) |
Kohei Fujita (Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
[Best Poster Award!!]Poster Session: 99. A Fast Implicit Solver with Low Memory Footprint and High Scalability for Comprehensive Earthquake Simulation System |
November 16, Wednesday | ||
10:30AM – 11:15AM (ROOM: Ballroom-EFGHIJ) |
Professor Masaki Satoh (the University of Tokyo/Post-K computer Priority Issue) Invited Talk: A Super High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Simulation by the Non-Hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model, NICAM |
10:30AM – 11:00AM (ROOM: 155-F) |
Toshiyuki Shimizu (Fujitsu Ltd.)
Exhibitor Forum: Fujitsu HPC and the Development of the Post-K Supercomputer |
11:30AM – 12:00PM (ROOM: 355-BC) |
Naoya Maruyama (HPC Programming Framework Research Team, Research Division, RIKEN AICS)
Paper: Evaluating and Optimizing OpenCL Kernels for High Performance Computing with FPGAs |
4:30PM – 5:00PM (ROOM: 355-D) |
Mohamed Wahib Attia (HPC Programming Framework Research Team, Research Division, RIKEN AICS) [Best Paper Award!!] Daino: A High-Level Framework for Parallel and Efficient AMR on GPUs |
11:30AM – 12:00PM (ROOM: 255-EF) |
Takayuki Muranushi (Co-Design Team, Flagship 2020 Project, RIKEN AICS) [Gordon Bell Finalist Presentation] Simulations of Below-Ground Dynamics of Fungi: 1.184 Pflops Attained by Automated Generation and Autotuning of Temporal Blocking Codes |
November 17, Thursday | ||
12:15PM – 13:15PM (ROOM: 250-F) |
Balazs Gerofi (System Software Team, Flagship 2020 Project, RIKEN AICS) Birds-of-a-Feather: Sub session leader Multi-Kernel OSes for Extreme-Scale HPC |
1:30PM – 3:00PM (ROOM: 255-BC) |
Balazs Gerofi (System Software Team, Flagship 2020 Project, RIKEN AICS) Panel/Panelist: Virtualization, Partitioning, Cohabitation, Containers, Something Else? Approaches to Integrating HPC and Big Data Applications |