RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) has launched an international internship program. This internship program will foster researchers dedicated to HPC (High Performance Computer) technology and computational science, with the aim to orient them to R&D in leading-edge computational science, by providing them with the opportunity to work in AICS research teams where they will gain a better understanding of computational science technology.
(Application for this year was closed on March 31, 2017.)
1. Sponsor
2. Internship period
Applicants and hosting research teams may set appropriate periods by mutual agreement for the internship duration, up to 90 days between June 1 and October 31, 2017.
3. Workplace
Hosting research team’s laboratory at RIKEN AICS
4. Qualification
Applicants must belong to a university whose head or the delegated person can issue a formal letter of request on behalf of applicants (Ph.D program). When Postdoctoral Fellows in other institutes wish to apply for the program, please contact us individually.
5. Number to be admitted
A few
6. Promotion for the program
- The internship program was advertised at the SC16 Student/Postdoc Job Fair held in November: November 16, 10 am – 3pm in Salt Lake City
7. Program details
Details are subject to guidelines determined by the hosting research team.
8. Working hours
Interns must work on every RIKEN working day during internship period.
Daily schedule: 9:00 to 17:20 (Lunch break: 12:00 to 12:50)
9. Screening
Document screening will be carried out after the deadline for this call.
10. Application procedures and deadline
Application documents described below must be submitted in advance to aics-internship[at]riken.jp* by Friday, March 31, 2017.
*Please change [at] to @ when sending email
- C.V. with photo. Contact information such as email address is required.
- The reason why you have applied.
(Refer to the information on AICS research teams and give a specific research field, or name of the research team you wish to join, and internship period preference.)
- A formal letter of request issued by head of your institute or a delegated person
(Click here to download the application form.)
List of Research Team:
11. Expenses and allowance
Item | Compensation given to interns based on the RIKEN Rules for Interns |
Travel expenses | Compensation will be provided for actual travel expenses between the intern’s university and location of the hosting research team for one round trip only. |
Commuting expenses | Compensation will be provided for actual daily commuting fares between the intern’s lodging and AICS for the number of working days on a monthly basis up to a maximum of 55,000 yen per month. |
Lodging expenses | AICS will provide accommodation for the interns. If you use other accommodation, compensation will be provided for actual lodging expenses from the day before the start day to the final day of the internship up to a maximum of 3,500 yen per day. |
Living expenses | Compensation of 3,000 yen per day for the number of working days from the start day to the final day of the internship. |
Internship allowance | Not paid |
12. Inquiries
Intern hosting desk
RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS)
7-1-26 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 650-0047 Japan
Email: aics-internship[at]riken.jp*