2016年6月10日、フロリダ州立大学 Per Arne Rikvold 教授の来日に伴い、理研AICSでは「離散事象シミュレーション」に関するミニセミナーを開催しました。
Title: Model Spin-crossover Material with Short-range Antiferromagnetic and Long-range Ferromagnetic Interactions: Wang-Landau Calculation of Free-energy Landscapes
Abstract: Spin-crossover materials present an interesting example of systems with competing interactions on different length scales. In these systems, the short-range interactions may be geometric or electronic in nature, while the long-range interactions are typically elastic.
Here I present a “toy model” of such a system: a square-lattice Ising model with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic and mean-field like long-range ferromagnetic interactions. Using standard importance sampling Monte Carlo (MC) methods, we have recently obtained rather complex phase diagrams for this model in several parameter regimes. One question that cannot easily be answered by these methods, is that of the structure of the free-energy landscape in the space of the two macroscopic order parameters: magnetization and staggered magnetization. We have therefore developed a new method to directly obtain the density of states (DOS) of such a model, using the Wang-Landau MC (WLMC) method. I will give a brief introduction to the original WLMC method, and then describe the modifications we have made to obtain DOS constrained to specific values of the order parameters. I will show numerical free-energy landscapes for several parameter values and compare the results with phase diagrams previously obtained with importance sampling MC. The comparison raises some new questions about the nature of metastable phases in models with competing short-range and long-range interactions.