The sun is a magnetized star. We can frequently observe sunspot, i.e., strong magnetic region, on the solar surface. The magnetic field is thought to be generated in the solar interior by dynamo action of turbulent ionized plasma. The number of sunspot has a long-standing big mystery, i.e., 11-year cycle. We have not understood what makes this beautiful cycle. The key is the turbulent thermal convection in the
solar convection zone. The turbulence, however, is nonlinear and complicated, and investigations by numerical calculation have important roles. Since we had problems on using large supercomputers and increasing resolution, we newly adopt a method so called, the Reduced Speed of Sound Technique (RSST) which can solve our previous problems. Using this method we have significantly improved our understanding of turbulent flow and magnetic field in the solar interior. In the talk, one example, the small-scale effect for constructing the large-scale magnetic field is shown.

日時: 2016年1月21日 (木)、 14:00 – 15:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂
講演題目: 数値計算で挑む太陽黒点11年周期の謎
Numerical challenge to sunspot 11-year cycle
講演者: 堀田 英之 (千葉大学 助教、招待者:粒子系シミュレータ研究チーム)
東京大学大学院地球惑星科学専攻在学中に太陽対流層計算の方程式を見直す事で大規模計算機でも効率的な計算を実行可能な手法を提案した。その後、京コンピューターを利用する事で長らく謎であった太陽の表面勾配層を再現することに世界で初めて成功し、その維持機構を明らかにした。 2014年3月に博士号を取得後は学術振興会海外特別研究員としてアメリカ合衆国High Altitude Observatoryに滞在。太陽内部での磁場生成機構を研究し、これまで考えられていたよりも強い乱流的磁場が太陽内部に存在する事を明らかにした。
Hideyuki Hotta invented a method which can efficiently use large computers even for the solar convection zone with changing an equation of the problem, while he was still a graduate student at the department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo. Then he reproduce the near surface shear layer which was a long standing problem in the solar physics using the K computer for the first time. After he got PhD at March 2014, he stayed High Altitude Observatory, USA as a JSPS fellow. He studied generation mechanisms of magnetic field in the solar interior and revealed that there is significantly stronger magnetic field than previously expected. From July 2015, he has moved to Chiba university as a tenure track assistant professor and continues studying the solar interior with using large computers.