In particle physics, the strong interaction is the mechanism responsible for the strong nuclear force. It is described by a quantum field theory and due to its strength the underlying equations are strongly coupled. The only systematic way to solve them is by using leading edge supercomputers. Interestingly enough, the solutions to these equations answer many fundamental questions. They explain the mass of the visible universe. They tell us how the tiny mass difference between neutrons and protons are generated, which is the reason for the ignition of stars. These solutions might even help to answer the question about the origin of dark matter. The synergy between supercomputers and physics will be discussed in detail.

第129回(特別版 第1回)
日時: 2018年1月16日(火)、15:30 – 16:30
場所: AICS 6階講堂
・講演題目:The strong interaction, the mass of the universe and supercomputers
・講演者:Prof.Zoltan Fodor(University of Wuppertal,Germany)