We study a model which describes the evolution of the opinion in a closed community, by taking into account three main phenomena. The first one is the personal reasoning, the others are the binary exchanges of opinion between individuals and the effect of mass media. After introducing the model and explaining the sociological hypotheses on which it has been built, we will study some of its mathematical properties, with special emphasis to the formation of equilibrium and the effect of mass media.

第127回 (AICS Cafeと兵庫県立大の共同セミナー)
日時: 2017年12月19日(火)、16:30 – 17:30
場所: AICS 1階セミナー室
・講演題目:Self-thinking and interaction in opinion formation
・講演者:Prof. Francesco Salvarani (Tenured researcher, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy)