RIKEN AICS will exhibit from 6/20-22 at ISC2016 (6/19-23) which will be held in Frankfurt, Germany.
Please stop by RIKEN AICS's booth(#800) to look at K computer's usage situation, recent research highlights and an introduction to FLAGSHIP 2020 Project, the development of Post K computer, and activities of human development and international collaboration. Posters
FYI - Major supercomputer rankings: Top500 and Green500, Graph500, HPCG.
[News] 2016.06.22 HPC in Asia 02 - Best Poster Award!
[News] 2016.06.22 K computer takes 2nd place in HPCG supercomputer ranking for the 4th consecutive time!!
Graph500 - first place for the third consecutive time
(center: Dr. Suzumura from Barcelona Supercomputing Center, right: Dr. Fujisawa from Kyushu University)
[News] 2016.06.21 K computer takes first place in Graph 500 supercomputer ranking for the third consecutive time!!
1. Presentation
Climate & Weather : Towards Extreme-Scale Weather/Climate Simulation: The Post K Supercomputer & Our Challenges (6/21)
1. Presentation
Distinguished Speakers : The Next Flagship Supercomputer in Japan (6/21)
1. Poster
HPC in Asia Poster Session : (A11) HPC in Asia Award Winning Poster : Performance of Quadruple Precision Eigenvalue Solver Libraries QPEigenK & QPEigenG on the K Computer (6/22)
2. Award Winning Speech
HPC in Asia Session 02 : Best Poster Award Ceremony & Presentation (6/22)
1. Poster
HPC in Asia Poster Session : (A07) XMP-Tasklet: Multitasking in a PGAS Language for Many-Core Clusters (6/22)
Dr. Hitoshi Murai (Programming Environment Research Team)
1. Poster
HPC in Asia Poster Session : (A08) MYX: MUST Correctness Checking for YML & XMP Programs (6/22)
Dr. Miwako Tsuji (Architecture Development Team)
1. Poster
HPC in Asia Poster Session : (A03) SCAMP: A “Pseud”-Trace Driven Simulation toward Scalable Network Evaluation (6/22)
1. Organizer
11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC'16) (6/23)
1. Presentation
Energy-Aware High Performance Computing (EnA-HPC) : Improving the energy efficiencies of power supply and cooling facilities for 10 peta-scale supercomputer (6/23)
※Fumiyoshi Shoji, Katsuyuki Tanaka, Satoshi Matsushita, Toshiyuki Tsukamoto, Mitsuo Yokokawa and Hiroyuki Takitsuka